Monday, September 28, 2009

The very beginning...

I honestly don't even know where to begin. The last few weeks have been AMAZING. We started off at the home of Blue Bell ice cream: good ol' Brenham, Texas. Our 1st week on the road was intense. It took a while to get the hang of things. Luckily, Area III treated us well. We ate the greatest hamburger in the entire world at Mic's in Schulenburg. It was like heaven on a bun. We are definitely going back there! We also had the opportunity to make a tent in Ms. Pittman's living room in Sweeny. Unfortunately, I forgot that she might need to iron her clothes the next morning. My whole tent came crashing down when she stole the ironing board back. Oops : )

Before we knew it, we were in the Piney Woods of East Texas. Talk about a change of pace. It is a different world out there! We tried keeping the truck clean...but obviously that doesn't work well when there is mud everywhere. We learned the Area IX sign. We had our own little concert in Chireno. We ate at the famous El Burrito in Livingston. It was an unforgettable experience, to say the least. I definitely enjoyed that part of the world.

Next up was Area VII. This was our 1st experience with 3 people on the road. It was pretty much like one big party the whole time. Tyler was awesome to travel with! His family was the best. They showed up with a whole box of homemade fried chicken, fried rice, and mashed potatoes. We had food for a week!! That was definitely the most exciting thing in the entire world, except that Kaleb put it in the back of the truck and kept eating the chicken that had been sitting in the sun....GROSS. We also ate at the best sushi restaurant in Austin called Sushi Saki. This was Tyler and Kaleb's 1st time to try sushi- that didn't go over well. They basically picked all of the rice off and ate ONLY the rice. I don't think I will get to eat my beloved sushi again if they have any say in it. Kaleb ended up sick and had to stay off the road for a few days, which left Tyler and I to fend for ourselves. We managed well on the road, though. Until I got sick and left poor Tyler all by himself.

Luckily, Kaleb got better, and we headed off to Area V with Jeremiah. All I can say is that I'm sorry to Weatherford for throwing up in their brand new auditorium. That was definitely one for the books. Needless to say, I didn't travel Area V...but I heard something about Kaleb and Jeremiah getting themselves into a parade in Paradise. I bet that one is a story...

So here we are in Area IV with Aron. The Iowa Park officers are the bomb! They took us to Carino's and bought me a ladybug cake for my birthday. Talk about the best thing ever! Stay tuned for more on our travels from the road. We are bound to have some exciting stories to tell.